Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Life in Lists: 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days

I'm a very goal-oriented person. Like, ridiculously goal-oriented. For every New Year's since I can remember, I've always laid out 4-5 goals I wanted to meet for the year. And by some dumb luck, I've always managed to reach those goals.

So when I came across this project a few weeks ago, it definitely grabbed my attention. There are so many things I've always wanted to do but put off doing for whatever reason. "Oh, it's not the right time yet," or "I have more important things I need to be focusing on." Well, not anymore. I'm creating my list today (August 16, 2009) and I'm giving myself exactly 1001 days (that is, until May 13, 2012) to accomplish what's on the list. I'll definitely keep you all posted as I venture towards completing these tasks.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in 1001 days.

The Criteria: The tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of effort on your part).

More info can be found on

Italics are in progress
Strike-thrus are completed

My List (26/101)

Travel (2/7)
1. Revisit Seattle Completed 11/13/09 with the help of the amazing SO.
2. Revisit San Francisco - 9/10: A possible trip to San Fran may be in the works for next spring... more details to come as they're fleshed out.
3. Backpack around Europe (and visit Switzerland, Italy, Greece, and Austria)
4. Visit 3 college friends who are located outside of VA (1/3)
-1. September 5-6, 2009: Went to NYC to visit Ari and Sean

5. Visit Simone for a week
6. Go inside a real castle   August 2010: Not only did I go inside SEVERAL real castles (Cahir Castle and Ross Castle in Ireland), I spent TWO NIGHTS sleeping in the tower of a castle!! Thanks to Steve for planning such an amazing trip!!!
7. Go on a cruise

Visual and Creative Arts (not including photo/video) (1/6)
8. Learn how to play 3 songs on the piano (0/3)
9. Write and self-publish a novel
10. Get involved in community theater
11. Take a dance class 
-Beginning in  Fall '09, I've been taking a combo of hip-hop, zumba, and latin dance classes.  
12. Go to a Broadway show in NYC
13. See a play at least once every two months (1/16)
-10/29/09: Saw Evil Dead at the Generic Theater

Photography/Video (1/22)
14. Purchase a Diana F+ and an assortment of lenses 
-12/25/09 Steve bought me a set for Christmas!!
15. Scan the photos I take with the lomo camera and post them online
16. Purchase a full-frame DSLR with video capabilities
17. Start and finish a photo project with the end result being a book of some sort
18. Master HDR photography
19. Direct a project for one of DVXuser's film fests
20. Write 1 short screenplay per month (0/33)
21. Produce and direct one of my screenplays
22. Learn After Effects
23. Learn Color
24. Get my photos exhibited in a public area
25. Get published in a magazine
26. Purchase additional off-camera lighting and accessories (including softboxes and clamps)
27. Go to Lowes and experiment with rigging different lights for photo/video projects
28. Get an awesome lightning bolt photo
29. Pay the necessary dues to get Fahrenheit Photography VA official
30. Shoot an offbeat wedding
31. Shoot an insightful portrait of each one of my friends and family- create a wall in my apartment to display these portraits
32. Compile all the pictures I have from college into a book
33. Go to the Sundance Film Festival
34. Collaborate with another photographer for a personal photoshoot trade
35. Contact an acting agent just for the hell of it
36. Be an extra in a movie or tv show

Fitness and Nutrition (8/11)
37. Buy a cookbook and learn to cook something other than pasta - I actually bought two cookbooks, one for cooking with wine and the other for vegetarian dishes. And lucky for me, the SO and I have a routine worked out so that we take turns cooking each other dinner once a week, so I'm forced to stray away from those Lean Cuisines and pasta dishes every now and then :)
-3/11/10 And the cookbooks keep coming!
38. Remove fast food from my diet - 11/24/09: It's been about a month now, so I think I'm safe to cross this out.
39. Stop drinking soda - 9/29/09: Easier than I anticipated.
40. Bring my lunch from home for 1 month
41. Lose all the weight I've gained since college graduation and maintain it - 9/8/09: 3 lbs down... 12 more to go. Ugh.
42. Go to 20 local restaurants that I haven't been to before (20/20)
- 2009 Okay, I know I've been to at least 3 or 4 in the past several weeks, but I cannot for the life of me keep track. However, I am contemplating completely cutting national chain restaurants out of my lifestyle, except for the occasional Panera Bread, of course :)
-3/11/10 Since making this list, new restaurants I've been to include:
Pasha Mezze
No Frill Grill
YNot Pizza
Press 626
Charlie's Cafe
The Painted Lady
Nick's Seafood and Raw Grill
CP Shuckers
The Surf Rider's
Mahi Mah's
Chick's Oyster Bar
The Green Onion
Red Dog's
Colley Cantina
Bangkok Gardens 
43. Commit to going to a fitness class 1-2 times a week 9/29/09: I'm officially taking boxing classes every Wednesday, dance on Tuesdays, and dance and pilates on Sundays
44. Start eating a small breakfast 9/29/09: Clif's Bars and Coffee counts, right?
45. Create a consistent running routine and stick with it for 1 month
46. Go vegetarian for 2 weeks
-Dec. 2009-Jan.2010 How about going vegetarian for a whole month? What, what!
47. Cut fried food out of my diet
-Feb. 2010 - Steve and I actually made a bet that I couldn't go without friend food for six months... well, I lasted for almost 2 months before I gave into a plate of buffalo wings, but I haven't had the desire to eat fried food since. Holler.

Sports and Recreation (1/6)
48. Go skydiving
49. Learn how to ski (and stop) properly
50. Go white water river rafting down the Colorado
51. Take a fencing class
52. Go paintballing again
53. Go to a shooting range June 2010: Went to a shooting range with Meagan, Steve and Charlie. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos in the range, but I learned how to load and fire an 8mm gun. It was definitely some scary stuff.

Entertainment and Fun (0/7)
54. Go to a karaeoke bar, sing in public, and do it all sober
55. Go to the movie theater and watch 3 movies by myself (0/3)
56. Watch 50 movies I haven't seen before, made prior to 2009, based on recommendations from people I know (0/50)
57. Go to 25 concerts (18/25)
-9/6/09: The Electric Zoo, Randalls Island, NYC
-9/21/09: Mae, Neptune's Park, Virginia Beach
-9/22/09: The Sounds, The Norva, Norfolk
-9/23/09: The Decemberists, The Norva, Norfolk. Easily one of the best shows I've seen.
-10/9/09: Strung Out, Peabody's, Virginia Beach
-10/23/09: If These Trees Could Talk/Gifts from Enola,  The Blue Nile, Harrisonburg.
-11/18/09: All American Rejects/Taking Back Sunday, The Norva, Norfolk.
-12/31/09: Third Eye Blind, Grand Hyatt, Washington DC
-3/3/10: Ani DiFranco, The Norva, Norfolk
-3/7/10: Jack's Mannequin, The Norva, Norfolk
-3/20/10: Ben Folds, The Norva, Norfolk
-3/21/10: Ingrid Michaelson, The Norva, Norfolk
-4/29/10: Los Campesinos!, 930 Club, Washington DC
-5/10/10: Say Anything, The Norva, Norfolk
-6/13/10: Moving Mountains, The Camel, Richmond
-7/25/10: Tegan and Sara, The Norva, Norfolk
-8/8/10: Something Corporate, River Stage, Philadelphia
-8/31/10: Coheed and Cambria, The Norva, Norfolk

58. Listen to 50 new bands/musicians I haven't heard before based on recommendations from people I know (12/50)
9/8: Right now I'm hooked on The Fratelli's, Moving Mountains, and Los Campesinos.
11/24: New bands I like- We Are Scientists, Phoenix, Anberlin 
3/11/10: A Fine Frenzy, Meg & Dia, The Animal Collective, Cursive
9/25/10: Airborne Toxic Event, She and Him

59. Go to an anime or comic convention and dress up
60. Go to a Renaissance Fair
61. Get a group of people together, invade a public location, and spontaneously act out a play, complete with props and costumes

Personal/Miscellaneous (13 /37)
62. Start getting to work before 8:30 consistently - 9/29/09: I falter on some days, but for the most part, I have been getting there on time.
63. Master Dreamweaver
64. Master Flash
65. See my family at least once a year
-2009: Thanksgiving
66. Send Christmas cards to the people who are important to me
-December 2009- Done and done.

67. Send 25 handwritten letters to people who have impacted my life in some way (0/25)
68. Take a walk and lay out in the rain
69. Buy or at least learn how to drive a scooter
70. Dress up for Halloween At work, nonetheless! Check out the OEA Facebook for photos.

71. Spend the night in a haunted house
72. Create a personal blog and update it at least once a week -
Update this blog at least once a week
9/29/09 Addendum: Tried this for a month, and I find that I'd much rather write in my own personal journal and update this blog more often than put my personal life out on the internet. It was something I could so easily do back when I was 14, but now, not quite so much. :) So start expecting more updates on this blog.
73. Read 100 books (2/100)
-9/3: Finished The Actor and the Housewife. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone else to read it.
-11/14: Finished Remember Me? An okay book, slow beginning, picked up towards the end.

74. Buy a TV. Preferably an awesome one.
75. Send a Post Secret
76. Floss daily for a month
77. Grow my hair long (at least 4 in. past my shoulder)
78. Decorate my desk at work and keep it neat for a week
-3/11/10: Decorated? Check. Neat? Uhhhhh...
79. Watch the sunrise on the beach
80. Make a conscious effort to not make the first move 9/29/09: This was a rather ambiguous listing, but I am happy to say that as of the past few weeks, this subject is no longer an issue. :)
81. Send a message in a bottle
82. Buy a sexy black dress
83. Attend an event in which I can wear the above dress
84. Adopt a puppy
85. Delete all the unnecessary social networking profiles I have online 9/8/09: No more MySpace, Vox, LiveJournal, Friendster...
86. Live in my own apartment, by myself, for at least a year
87. Buy an espresso machine
88. Host a game night
89. Make at least 2 new female friends (2/2)
-3/11/10: Not including the girls at work, I've also met Katie and Kelly these past few months and they're pretty awesome!
90. Go to a concert by myself 9/21/09: Mae at Neptune's Park in Virginia Beach
91. Do not spend Christmas alone
-12/25/09: Spent Christmas with Steve and his family.
92. Purchase a real bed with a real mattress 9/29/09: Officially had it delivered last weekend. It's a pretty awesome queen size bed. I would post pictures, but it may be a bit creepy to put of photos of my bedroom... plus I'm not finished decorating yet.
93. Locate all the crap I have scattered in various areas of VA and FL and bring it back to me 11/24: Got my stuff from Florida. Now everything I own is in my apartment.
94. Recycle
95. Make it a habit to shut my computer down at the end of the day
96. Go to a local art show
-Jan 2010: Went to the awesome Mrs. Katie King's art opening at the Java Cup Cafe!
97. Attend a New Year's party
-1/1/10: Grand Hyatt. Washington DC. Third Eye Blind. 
98. Stop searching for answers and just live in the moment - and I'm loving every minute of it.

101 in 1001 (0/3)
99. Inspire 5 other people to make a list like this (tell me if you do so I can mark this off) (1/5)
-Go Amanda!
100. Donate $5 to a charity for every item on this list not accomplished
101. Create another list in 1001 days.


Simone Nelson August 19, 2009 at 2:23 AM  

Wow. I love this idea and how ambitious some of them are. Maybe I'll make myself a list one day.

Shutterwish September 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM  

I'm totally going to do one of these now. I hope you accomplish everything on your list :D!


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