Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm kind of in love with life.

And I'm also completely obsessed with this band:

Another video:

On another note, I am having the most difficult time trying to fit in everything I want to accomplish in a week... I was looking at my calendar and realized that I don't have a free weekend until December! Wow!

Somebody made a great point saying that I don't HAVE to do everything now, since I have my whole life ahead of me and all, so I tried to narrow down what I wanted to accomplish before the end of this year, and this is my list:

1. Revamp the Blog
2. Revamp and order new business cards
3. Finish decorating my apartment. Though I can't decide if I want to put up photos of people, places, or concerts. I don't want to do all because then they wouldn't really flow well together.
4. Learn how to play the piano. Maybe take voice lessons. Get back into playing the violin.
5. Get new album samples!
6. Start an online storefront selling my own art images
7. Travel! Everywhere!

...And I've pretty much decided I'm skydiving this coming spring.

Keep your eye out for some wedding and portrait sessions being posted in the next few weeks ;)


Simone Nelson October 10, 2009 at 11:44 PM  

1. Why don't you put people, places, and concerts each in a different room or area? Then you can have all three but also be able to have separate flows?
2. I'd love to some copies of your art images for my new house. You've got some great stuff.
3. Yes, you must travel. We'll be ready for you when you are.


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