Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I had originally started this blog with the intention of intertwining my business with my personal life, something that most people try to avoid doing. My reasoning behind this is that I want to capture the relationships between people, not just their image, so why should I paint a static, carefully marketed picture of myself when I could just go on here and show the real thing?

Well... unfortunately life caught up, and I didn't quite get around to updating this blog with as many personal snapshots as I would like (meaning, personal snapshots of my life, not myself... I'm not quite that narcissistic ;) ) So, instead of getting to bed at a decent time, I'm here, catching up on sessions and rambling on my blog.

Here's a little snapshot from a couple of weeks ago... a bunch of my friends and I went out to grab a bite to eat in celebration of my birthday, and this photo op came up. These are two of my friends, Cory and Rebecca. I'm not sure if they were tired, having one of those "lovey dovey" moments, or if they were just slipping into a food/drink coma... but it was definitely something I'm glad I was able to capture on camera...

A final note before I retire for the night... I'll be away on business until Thursday, so my apologies for any emails that go unanswered until then. I'm still working on getting a Macbook Pro, which I so desperately need want. Which potentially means to internet until I get back.

If you don't see your session posted yet, sit tight... I'll get it up as soon as I get back. :)



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